
Bad Breath Cures | Yes it's possible to cure bad breath, but no there's no one-stop cure for all. Read on for more!!

Curing chronic bad breath. 

There are many different home remedies that have become popular bad breath cures.  However, there is one main remedy that should always be considered first when trying to cure your bad breath problem; oral hygiene.

Getting rid of bacteria in the gum lines, on the teeth and on the tongue is part of daily oral hygiene.  This can be accomplished by brushing your teeth everyday at least two to three times a day.  In addition to brushing the teeth, you must scrape your tongue as well.  The tongue is the place where a lot of the odor originates because bacteria can live on the texture of the tongue.  Cleaning the tongue is sometimes skipped in most people’s oral hygiene routine.  In order to clean your tongue reach as far to the back as you can.  You can use a special brush or scraper designed for tongue cleaning.  These are available at most pharmacies.  Some people just use their toothbrush.  Scrape or brush your tongue from the back to the front.  Add some light pressure but overdoing it can cause irritation, 

In addition to brushing flossing plays a key role in preventing bad breath.  Flossing allows you to be able to remove small particles of food that can get stuck between your teeth and around your gums in places that a toothbrush can not get to.  When food particles are not removed from the mouth they start to collect bacteria which can cause bad breath.  It is good to floss before brushing.  Flossing first helps to loosen food particles that brushing can then get rid of. 

Another step in oral hygiene that should be done on a daily basis is the use of mouthwash.  Antibacterial mouth rinses and those that contain chemicals that neutralize odors are extremely affective at controlling bad breath odors.  Mouthwash decreases the amount of bacteria in the mouth that is responsible for bad breath from the back of the tongue as well as creases in the tongue. 

Plus, seeing a dentist also contributes to the overall health of your mouth.  The American Dental Association recommends tat you see your dentist every six months.  By keeping up with your dentist appointments, your dentist gets the chance to check your teeth for tooth decay.  The dentist or hygienist will also evaluate the heath of your gums and they will have the opportunity to check for any indications or oral cancer, diabetes or vitamin deficiencies.  Plus, you will receive a good cleaning.  Plaque and tartar can build up in a very short time if good oral hygiene is not practiced between dentist visits so having a good cleaning from the dentist ensures the removal of these harmful things.  Plus, what some people might not know is that your dentist is important to your overall health as well.  Dentists have also gotten into the habit of giving your head and neck a checkup as well.  Your dentist will check your face, your neck, your lymph nodes and they will check the movement of your lower jaw joints.

So, maybe you have heard of every home remedy in the book to cure bad breath.  But, the thing that is easiest and will give you the best results is to simply keep up with a proper oral hygiene routine. 

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